Monday, April 13, 2009

Mixed up Monday

Ah, it's that time of the year again when you are faced with the inpenetrable bank holiday markets. About a billion low quality races all going off at the same time! Often there is so much clashing and problems that next to nothing can be easily traded and if you can, you may not actually see the start itself. A risk in itself.

This particular Monday has never been a favourite of mine and two years ago I pulled in my second worst result ever on this day. As a consequence don't feel you are missing much by skipping today!

Still without full use of my hand I have little option but to be home today, so I may have a go at some very carefully selected races, but I doubt I'll all guns blazing today. Maybe you will get on with the markets today, but I know I traditionally haven't.

The busy summer is almost on us, have a rest and enjoy some time off.